Carig地区配属先のNEDA Regional Office 02とアパートはここCarig地区にある。生活の中心。 アパートCarig AreaIn this area you can find the apartment I'm staying and my assignment agency NEDA Regional Office 02. The Apartmentこんなとこに住んでます。 My apartment. 手前から3つ目、窓の開いている部屋に入居中。 My room is the third room from the nearest (windows are open in the picture). 近所にある、お気に入りの食堂。肉料理、野菜料理、ライス、おまけのスープで〆て35ペソ(約70円)。 通勤路This is one of my favorite eateries. I usually have meat or fish, vegetable, rice and soup, and pay 35 pesos (aprox. USD0.6). Commuting RouteCVMC(Cagayan Valley Medical Center; 公立病院)が目と鼻の先。ただし医療水準は今ひとつらしい。 CVMC (Cagayan Valley Medical Center; a public hospital) is just one minutes walk from my apartment. They say that the medical level provided there is not so good. 病院の前には食堂、薬局(ちょっとした食品や日用品も有り)などが軒を連ねる。 In front of the hospital, there are several eateries (or canteens) and drug stores. You can also buy groceries there. フィリピンの国獣カラバオ(karabao; 水牛)が草を食んでいたり。たぶん農作業用。 Karabao, or water buffalos, are eating grass here and there. It is an national animal of the Philippines and widely used as agricultural work force. Highway(国道)からNEDAへの横道へ入る。雨の日は少し憂鬱。 Turn into the side road to the NEDA office from the highway. It is a little bit annoying on rainy days. ちょっと近道して、裏口からNEDAへ。 NEDA Regional Office 02There is a shortcut route to NEDA using the backdoor. NEDA Regional Office 02思ったより立派、というのが第一印象。 The building is better than I expeted — it is my first impression. 仕事はこの部屋で。RGISC(Regional GIS Center; 地域地理情報センター)と自称しているが、実際には殆ど機能していない。設備はそこそこ整っていて、問題ない。 I am working in this room. They call it the RGISC (Regional GIS Center). 与えられた机。コンピュータは自前だが、プリンタは借り物。 A desk, a chair and a printer were provided to me. The PC is my own. |